Engagement Tile Logo
RA Engagement Tile

Know which supporters to contact and when by calculating their engagement score

Automatically calculate supporter engagement scores from your RE NXT data every week. Know who to communicate with via the built-in dashboards and keep all your team in the loop with the iconic tile.

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Put all that valuable data to work!

You already know that having a measure of how engaged your supporters are will help you communicate with the right supporters at the right time. And you suspect you already have that data stored away in RE NXT.

It’s just that doing the work to extract and calculate a score makes it an annual project at best, and then of course you have to make it easily available to the people that need it (before it goes out of date)

If that’s you – the Engagement Tile could be your new friend!

  • Automatically calculate a score for your supporters every week
  • Make it instantly available via the iconic constituent tile and built-in dashboards
  • Super easy to setup and get scoring
  • Score on what’s important to *your* organisation
ET cartoon graphic

Simply and easily give your fundraisers the engagement insight they need to be effective.

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5 star review
  • Great product for measuring engagement

    We were looking for a way to measure our alumni engagement and the Engagement Tile met and exceeded our expectations. It is very easy to set it up and then go back and modify as needed. We are able to create a custom score using the variables in our database.

    We’ve been tracking alumni engagement using the Engagement Tile for about a year now and it’s great to see the progress we’ve made on that front. Highly recommend checking this product out if you’re looking to create a custom score for tracking literally any kind of engagement customized using the information in your database.

  • Measure engagement data in just a few clicks. It's that simple!!

    This out-of-the-box product allows you to quickly develop constituent engagement scores in a matter of seconds. Just open the tile, link to a list, add scoring criteria, and boom, you have an engagement tile that measures how engaged your constituents and prospect are.

    Each individual is given their own score based on the criteria you set. Completely flexible and customizable for any user regardless of skill level. Highly recommend this product.

    St Norbet College
  • Exactly what we needed!

    Red Arc’s Engagement Tile is a fantastically flexible tool that allows us to create metrics based on what we want to measure. The price is right; the tool is simple in design and easy to understand. Support is fantastic when you need them.
    Overall I highly recommend RedArc’s engagement tile for any small shop looking to measure constituent engagement. Not to mention, everyone I have encountered at RedArc is a delight!
  • Love this product!

    This was a great way to add visualization to our engagement score for our fundraisers. It also allows us to see top movers, which has been an excellent addition to our prospect research workflow.



Score based on the factors that are important to your organisation

Your organisation is best placed to know what represents an engaged supporter for you. Be it typical gift or activity behaviours – or something much more unique to yourselves.

The Engagement Tile gives you a simple scoring mechanism that enables you to model these unique elements into a scoring plan that reliably identifies your engage supporters. 

  • Each score is based on an NXT list – score anything you can measure in an NXT list!
  • You decide the weighting for each element – because you know what carries weight.
  • Scores are automatically calculated weekly
  • Each week, the latest score is also written to a Custom Field which you can use, combined with other RE Data for reporting and analytics.
Engagement Tile Configuration
Engagement Tile Scores

Pick out who to communicate with using the built-in dashboards

Make your fundraiser’s jobs simple by being able to easily pick the supporters to prirotize that week based on their engagement level. 

  • Top scoring constituents
  • Constituents who’ve moved UP or DOWN since the last score. i.e. people who are becoming more or less engaged – who you definitely want to communicate with!
  • Download scoring history for all constituents for further reporting or analysis

Keep all your team in the loop with the iconic constituent tile

The app has calculated the scores – now to make that available to all your team! The constituent tile means that all you need to do is open a constituent’s page, and their engagement is right there, visually obvious, giving your team instant insights to change the conversation they have with that supporter.

  • Visual and obvious
  • Displays the constituent’s score and the elements that make it up
  • Each constituent is also given a colour-coded ranking to make it even simpler to identify your key supporters
Engagement Tile Cons Tile

Red Arc is proud to be awarded
Blackbaud Partner of the Year 2024!
